Ardennes: housing price and price/m²

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Housing price details

The median price of an apartment for sale is €1,063/m². That means there are as many properties more expensive than €1,063/m² as cheaper. As for houses for sale, the median price is €1,114/m².
Number of roomsMedian price
2 pièces€1,195/m²
3 pièces€961/m²
4 pièces€1,105/m²
5 pièces€1,041/m²
Number of roomsMedian price
4 pièces€1,165/m²
5 pièces€1,221/m²
6 pièces€1,037/m²
7 pièces€1,007/m²
8 pièces€1,056/m²

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Ardennes: all details of housing price

LocationPrice per m² – apartmentsPrice per m² – houses
FumayNot enough listings
AttignyNot enough listings
Bogny-sur-MeuseNot enough listings
VouziersNot enough listings
RevinNot enough listings
Chaumont-PorcienNot enough listings
Vireux-WallerandNot enough listings
Vireux-MolhainNot enough listings
NouzonvilleNot enough listings
CarignanNot enough listings
Novion-PorcienNot enough listings
Vivier-au-CourtNot enough listings
MouzonNot enough listings
AsfeldNot enough listings
Château-PorcienNot enough listings
MargutNot enough listings
Villers-SemeuseNot enough listings
BuzancyNot enough listings
GrandpréNot enough listings
Les Hautes-RivièresNot enough listings
GespunsartNot enough listings
Signy-l'AbbayeNot enough listings
Saint-LaurentNot enough listings
ChoozNot enough listings
RocquignyNot enough listings
NeufmanilNot enough listings
DouzyNot enough listings
Remilly-AillicourtNot enough listings
Saulces-MonclinNot enough listings
Vrigne-aux-BoisNot enough listings
AmagneNot enough listings
HaybesNot enough listings
Le Châtelet-sur-RetourneNot enough listings
BalanNot enough listings
FromelennesNot enough listings
DevilleNot enough listings
Signy-MontlibertNot enough listings
RenwezNot enough listings
LonnyNot enough listings
JunivilleNot enough listings
Bourg-FidèleNot enough listings
FlizeNot enough listings
SéchevalNot enough listings
TagnonNot enough listings
RocroiNot enough listings
Poix-TerronNot enough listings
MonthoisNot enough listings
MontherméNot enough listings
BazeillesNot enough listings
Nouvion-sur-MeuseNot enough listings
RimogneNot enough listings
La GrandvilleNot enough listings
Pouru-Saint-RemyNot enough listings
AiglemontNot enough listings
MachaultNot enough listings
WarcqNot enough listings
Maubert-FontaineNot enough listings
Villers-CernayNot enough listings
Raucourt-et-FlabaNot enough listings
LiartNot enough listings
Les MazuresNot enough listings
FloingNot enough listings
TourteronNot enough listings
GivonneNot enough listings
HiergesNot enough listings
Saint-MengesNot enough listings
Ham-sur-MeuseNot enough listings
Puilly-et-CharbeauxNot enough listings
FoischesNot enough listings

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LocationPrice per m² – apartmentsPrice per m² – houses

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